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ITER Directory

ITER Directory


Click on an ITER unit for contact information.

Contact Information
ITER Units List Click to expand / reduce the list :
  • Director-General (IO/DG)
    • Administration Department (IO/DG/ADM)
      • Finance & Project Control Division (IO/DG/ADM/FPC)
        • Accounting, Treasury & Systems Section (IO/DG/ADM/FPC/ATS)
        • Building & Const. Project Control Sec. (IO/DG/ADM/FPC/BCPC)
        • Budget Management Section (IO/DG/ADM/FPC/BMA)
        • Eng. & Commissioning Project Control Sec (IO/DG/ADM/FPC/ECPC)
        • Financial Control Section (IO/DG/ADM/FPC/FCO)
      • Human Resources Division (IO/DG/ADM/HRD)
        • Human Resources Services Section (IO/DG/ADM/HRD/HRS)
        • Talent Management Section (IO/DG/ADM/HRD/TM)
      • Legal Affairs Division (IO/DG/ADM/LGA)
      • Procurement Division (IO/DG/ADM/PRD)
    • Corporate (IO/DG/CORP)
    • ITER Construction Project (IO/DG/CP)
      • Buildings & Site Management Program (IO/DG/CP/BSM)
        • Buildings & Facilities Operation Project (IO/DG/CP/BSM/BFO)
        • Building Service Delivery Project (IO/DG/CP/BSM/BSD)
        • Buildings Works Delivery Project (IO/DG/CP/BSM/BWD)
        • Civil Engineering and Interface Project (IO/DG/CP/BSM/CEI)
        • Construction Site Management Project (IO/DG/CP/BSM/CSM)
      • Controls & Int. Commissioning Program (IO/DG/CP/CIC)
        • Central Control Integration Project (IO/DG/CP/CIC/CCI)
        • Data, Connectivity and Software Project (IO/DG/CP/CIC/DCS)
        • Facility Control System Project (IO/DG/CP/CIC/FCS)
        • Integrated Commissioning Project (IO/DG/CP/CIC/INP)
      • Construction Project Office (IO/DG/CP/CPO)
      • Diagnostics Program (IO/DG/CP/DIAG)
        • Diagnostics Engineering Project (IO/DG/CP/DIAG/DEP)
        • Ex-Vessel Diagnostics Project (IO/DG/CP/DIAG/EVD)
        • In-Vessel Diagnostics Project (IO/DG/CP/DIAG/IVD)
      • Electrical Systems Program (IO/DG/CP/ESP)
        • Ex-Vessel Coil Power Supplies Project (IO/DG/CP/ESP/ECPS)
        • Electrical Power Distribution Project (IO/DG/CP/ESP/EPD)
        • In-Vessel Coil Power Supplies Project (IO/DG/CP/ESP/ICPS)
        • Magnetic Field Compatibility Project (IO/DG/CP/ESP/MFC)
        • SSEN & Cable Systems Project (IO/DG/CP/ESP/SCSP)
      • Heating & Current Drive Program (IO/DG/CP/HCD)
        • Electron Cyclotron Project (IO/DG/CP/HCD/ECRH)
        • Ion Cyclotron Project (IO/DG/CP/HCD/ICRH)
        • Neutral Beam Project (IO/DG/CP/HCD/NB)
      • Machine Assembly Program (IO/DG/CP/MAP)
        • In-Cryostat Assembly Project (IO/DG/CP/MAP/ICA)
        • In-Vessel Assembly Project (IO/DG/CP/MAP/IVA)
        • Machine Assembly Tools Project (IO/DG/CP/MAP/MAT)
        • Machine Assembly Coordination Project (IO/DG/CP/MAP/MCP)
        • Sector Modules Assembly Project (IO/DG/CP/MAP/SMA)
        • VV & Port Welding Assembly Project (IO/DG/CP/MAP/VPA)
      • Nuclear Technologies Program (IO/DG/CP/NTP)
        • Blanket Project (IO/DG/CP/NTP/BKT)
        • Divertor Project (IO/DG/CP/NTP/DIV)
        • Hot Cell & Radwaste Project (IO/DG/CP/NTP/HCR)
        • Remote Handling Project (IO/DG/CP/NTP/RHP)
        • Tritium Breeding Blankets Project (IO/DG/CP/NTP/TBB)
      • Plant Installation Program (IO/DG/CP/PIP)
        • Auxillary Systems Project (IO/DG/CP/PIP/ASP)
        • Electrical Systems Installation Project (IO/DG/CP/PIP/ESI)
        • In-Field Engineering Project (IO/DG/CP/PIP/IFE)
        • Mechanical Installation Project (IO/DG/CP/PIP/MIP)
        • Plant Installation Coordination Project (IO/DG/CP/PIP/PCP)
      • Plant Systems Program (IO/DG/CP/PSP)
        • Cryogenic System Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/CSP)
        • Cooling Water System Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/CWS)
        • Disruption Mitigation System Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/DMS)
        • Fuelling & Wall Conditioning Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/FWC)
        • Magnets Cold Test Facility Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/MCTF)
        • Tritium Plant Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/TPP)
        • VVPS & HMS Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/VHP)
        • Vacuum System Project (IO/DG/CP/PSP/VSP)
      • Tokamak Program (IO/DG/CP/TKP)
        • VV Delivery, Repair & Welding Project (IO/DG/CP/TKP/DRW)
        • Magnet Delivery Project (IO/DG/CP/TKP/MAG)
        • VV Thermal Shield and Cryostat Project (IO/DG/CP/TKP/TSC)
    • Engineering Services Department (IO/DG/ESD)
      • Civil Engineering Section (IO/DG/ESD/CES)
      • Design Office Division (IO/DG/ESD/DO)
        • CAD Activities Section (IO/DG/ESD/DO/CAA)
        • CAD Infrastructure Section (IO/DG/ESD/DO/CIS)
      • Electrical Engineering Division (IO/DG/ESD/EED)
      • Fusion Technology - I&C Division (IO/DG/ESD/FTIC)
      • Mechanical Structures Engineering Div. (IO/DG/ESD/MSEG)
      • Nuclear Safety Engineering Section (IO/DG/ESD/NSE)
      • Process & Plant Engineering Division (IO/DG/ESD/PPEG)
      • Site Activities Support Division (IO/DG/ESD/SAS)
    • Internal Audit Service (IO/DG/IAS)
    • Office of the Director-General (IO/DG/ODG)
      • Communication Division (IO/DG/ODG/COM)
      • ITER Council Secretariat (IO/DG/ODG/ICS)
    • Science & Integration Department (IO/DG/SID)
      • Central Integration Division (IO/DG/SID/CID)
        • Configuration Management Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/CMS)
        • Data Managment Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/DAM)
        • Design Integration Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/DIS)
        • Integrated Engineering Analysis Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/IEA)
        • IT Application and Development Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/ITAD)
        • IT System and Operation Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/ITSO)
        • Nuclear Safety Integration Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/NSI)
        • System Integration Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/SIS)
      • Science Division (IO/DG/SID/SCD)
        • Experiments & Plasma Operation Section (IO/DG/SID/SCD/EPO)
        • Plasma Modelling & Analysis Section (IO/DG/SID/SCD/PMA)
    • Safety & Quality Department (IO/DG/SQD)
      • Nuclear Licensing and Oversight Section (IO/DG/SQD/NLO)
      • Quality Management Division (IO/DG/SQD/QMD)
      • Security & Safety Section (IO/DG/SQD/SES)
    • Science & Technology (IO/DG/ST)